Buy, Sell and Trade Apecoin (APE) on Koinbazar
Apecoin (APE)
Apecoin was created by Yuga labs and APE is currently trading at $0.0034 per coin. It is mined by a set of algorithms that are different from Bitcoin and Litecoin, the most popular cryptocurrencies on the market today. Apecoins are mined with a technology called SHA-256, which relies on computing hardware and is unique to this type of cryptocurrency.
Uses of Apecoin :
Apecoin is a new cryptocurrency that is based on the mining of benji banana a popular video game. It is aimed at the unbanked and disenfranchised, providing a more stable currency to them.
The idea behind apecoins was created in order to provide a more stable currency to people who do not have access to traditional banking services.
Apecoins are mainly used as a form of payment for various services such as web hosting, domain names or irc services. They also have other uses in terms of mining for gold or for buying products and services in shops that accept apecoins as currency.
Interesting facts about Apecoin :
Apecoin is an Ethereum-based platform for creating blockchain-based games. Currently, Apecoin has two games in development and one game already live on the platform.
Apecoin is providing developers with a platform to create new blockchain-based games without any coding skills needed, and without a high upfront cost.
Apecoint provides developers with an all-inclusive decentralized gaming experience, but this comes at the cost of customizability.
Tokenomics :
Token Name : Apecoin
Short Name : APE
Total Supply : 1,000,000,000
Circulating Supply: 292,187,500
How to buy Apecoin (Ape) ?
Follow the below steps to buy apecoin.
1. Create a crypto trading account with Koinbazar global cryptocurrency exchange platform
2. Complete your KYC Verification Process
3. Add your Bank Account
4. Start to buy apecoin with Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Indian Rupee (INR) and Tether (USDT)
To Make your apecoin trade anywhere, anytime with the great trading experience with Koinbazar Android and iOS app.
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